Friday, September 14, 2012

making connections

As children begin the school year, they are drawn to the adults around them.  They form bonds and become attached to these new caregivers who will keep them safe and help them grow.  As time progresses, they extend these connections to their peers.  They have established themselves within their new classroom community and it is time to form friendships, too.

To our amazement, the Shamayim children are already showing great interest in each other.  At circle this morning, we talked about the children that we noticed had not "checked in".  Some we knew would not be at school, but others we found out were sick and not coming.  Rosie, Ilan and Josh all wondered if the children who were not in school were ok and if they'd return next week.

When we went outside to play, Rosie and Bella decided to hold hands.  Bella asked Victoria if she would like to hold her other hand.  Being aware of those around us and finding ways to connect to one another is incredible.  We saw many other displays of communication and connections throughout the day.

Giggles, chatter and negotiation helped to show us that the Shamayim children are doing just great!!


  1. Such compassion, sweetness, and cuteness! I love the feeling of community felt throughout TBSCC!

  2. This will probably be my favorite post all year. Knowing they are making friends and settling into their new routines is a huge relief!

  3. We are so fortunate to be part of a community that is full of such "rachmones" - genuine warmth, affection, concern and empathy. Thank you so much for this post. It brought a smile to our faces!

    Abby and Orr
