Friday, March 8, 2013

Adults having fun

For curriculum night the Haifa parents had to work to turn our classroom into Egypt.
Some parents made a large pyramid using every block. Others created a scene in the sensory table of the Jewish people crossing the Red Sea. Still others started our book of favorite memories from a Passover Sedar or family dinner. Mark Gallucci painted a lovely Egyptian woman.
It was a very fun evening. The next morning the children were amazed to see what their parents made. They had a very good time playing with the pyramid and in the sensory table.


  1. Wow! Those are some brave parents! Looks like it was an amazing night and a huge surprise for the children!

  2. Amazing! Very talented and devoted parents. How did the children interact with the provocations made by the parents?

  3. Very fun! Sorry I missed it.
