Sunday, March 17, 2013

Guess Who

By this point in the school year the Shamayim kids know so much about each other. Talking about themselves is a favorite subject, too. On Wednesday each child thought of two or three things about themselves: things they love to eat, things they love about school, and things about their families. We are putting their clues and photos together into a class book for each child to take home. Watch for it coming soon! How many children can you guess correctly? How many can your child guess? This is bound to be a new bedtime favorite.

Here are a few to get you started:

I love to play football with my daddy.
My daddy kisses me and tickles me.
Who am I?

I love my Legos.
My daddy puts me to bed.
Avery is in my family.
Who am I?

I love to play with trains.
I love cooking
My mama, my sister and my dada are my family.
Who am I? 

1 comment:

  1. #1 is Josh. He was taught you tackle people by tickling them.
