Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Jobs" in the classroom

Though we encourage a sense of responsibility to our classroom community, encouraging all friends to clean up play areas and their own food area after snack, friends were so eager to help out, setting up morning meeting that we decided to develop a "job" board.
Sadie is our "attendance" helper. She counts how many Unicorn friends are in attendance and then tells us who is "absent". Dylan is our book collector who collects books after quiet reading time, and carefully puts them back in the book basket. We are learning to "ask" friends for their book please. Sometimes friends are not quite done reading and tell our book collector, " I am not done yet", so we provide them w/ a bit more time and our book collector will go back to collect the book in a few minutes.
Other jobs include Line leader, caboose when lining up to go for outdoor fun or whenever we transition into another play space in school. With all of our planting, we needed a couple of helpers to water all of our plants in the making as well. These jobs rotate on a daily basis.
Thank you friends for all your hard work in keeping the classroom running smoothly.

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