Monday, November 8, 2010

What Do Children Gain from Cooking?

What Do Children Gain from Cooking?
  • A blossoming of creativity and a sense of aesthetics
  • Early math skills (counting, measuring, sequencing of events, an understanding of time)
  • Confidence and self-esteem; a feeling of accomplishment
  • Prereading and beginning reading skills (numeral, symbol, and word recognition; left to right cueing)
  • Small motor skills; hand-eye coordination
  • Strength and endurance (stirring the batter or spreading cream cheese can be hard work if you are only three feet tall)
  • Science skills (chemistry, temperature, cause and effect)
  • Patience and self-control (waiting for that pizza to come out of the oven is a challenge!)
  • Language skills (observing, describing, predicting outcomes)
  • Ability to follow directions
  • A sense of teamwork
  • Food literacy (an openness to trying new foods; familiarity with fruits, vegetables, other ingredients, techniques, processes- plus a new awareness and appreciation about the foods we eat, what they are, where they come from...etc.)
  • Increased interest and curiosity about all of the above!