Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boston Haifa Connection Update

About three weeks ago, we sent a package to our sister gan (kindergarten) in Haifa. We received a wonderfully thankful email from Bina, the teacher, at the gan. She said that the children loved the pictures, flags and stickers which were in their package. She also said that the children in her class would be drawing pictures to send to us.
As of today, there have been two video conferences between the teacher representatives here and in Haifa. We have been presenting curriculum ideas to each other. The first video conference centered around Tu B'Shevat and the one today, February 10, is an art based presentation. Our presentation is today and it is centered around A Sign of Friendship.

If you have any pictures, etc. that you would like to send in our next package to Haifa that would be wonderful! Just bring them in and give them to me, Faye, in the Haifa classroom. Also please feel free to see me if you have any questions, etc. about the connection. The goal is that a year from this February vacation teachers from Boston will once again be visiting Haifa. Shalom to all!
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  1. Israel is a wonderful place to visit! I'm sure whoever goes will really get a great deal out of their trip.

  2. I can't wait to see the drawings the Israeli kids send us. What a meaningful way to connect out kids to the people of Israel.
