Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A few short weeks ago in honor of Tu B'Shevat we encouraged the children to make simple predictions about seeds, communicate their discoveries and make careful observations. We talked about how seeds contain a baby plant and food for the baby to grow. The tiny root grows out of the bean, the root gets longer, and the shoot begins to grow.

First we soaked dried lima beans overnight. Then the children placed some beans in a paper towel and placed them in a zip-lock bag. Every two days we used a spray bottle to keep the beans moist. We taped the bags to the window in the classroom . Today we noticed some of the roots and shoots coming out of the paper towel in the clear plastic bag. We opened up a few of the bags and this is what we found(look carefully at the images below).

Amazing, fascinating- The children think we should plant the lima beans that have roots and shoots. What a great idea!

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