Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Poky Puppy Story

Yesterday during lunch bunch, the All Stars shared the book The Poky Little Puppy. After the book was read, the group decided to write their own story about the poky little puppy. Here is our story for you.

The Five Little Poky Puppies

Five little poky puppies went into a hole in a hill. The went out of a hole in the hill and went out for a walk. They were all together when they dug the hole. They had to go home because they smelled really good food. Then they went to bed. Then they woke up from sleeping and they digged another hole. Then they smelled some really good food and it was hot chocolate.

The five little puppies went up and down the other side of the hill and they saw a really big bear and ran all the way home. Then they were safe. Then they went to bed. THE END
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