Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alison Simpson

Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand. -Chinese proverb

As a teacher, I strive to challenge each one of my students each and every day. Children are capable of making their own discoveries and that process helps them find their own competencies and better understand themselves. I find that self-confidence and independence are intrinsically related, and they help children turn into the people they are becoming. I think that school should be both challenging and fun, helping each child grow.

I love having the chance to develop relationships with each and every student and discovering what he or she is passionate about. From that understanding, I see the classroom as a launch pad to creativity and development that is both educational and exciting for everyone. I think that each child’s voice is important, and it’s something to be cherished. A successful classroom requires input from both teacher and student to function optimally. I strive to help children find their own strong voice to express their feelings and ideas.

By working in a Jewish school, I have the opportunity to share my passion for Judaism with new minds. Sharing the Jewish stories that I grew up hearing helps me to revisit my own childhood and helps me rediscover the magic of learning these stories all over again.

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.
-Galileo Galilei

1 comment:

  1. We are so thrilled to have you! And lucky too! Where is your current and childhood picture! :) You have certainly shown yourself to be a true educator! We love having you!
