Monday, October 24, 2011

Guiding Principles of Behavior

The core element of limits and expectations are our classroom's guiding principles of behavior. A guiding principle is a general statement that can be applied in many circumstances. In the Levana class we have three guiding principles of behavior:
1. We take care of ourselves
2. We take care of others
3. We take care of things

Joshua, Julia, Gabriel and Elias are taking care of themselves by washing their hands before they eat snack.
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  1. These photos would make a nice poster in the bathroom. We'll have to print it out. And I can't wait to hear how this focus on guiding principles develops. Exciting that such little ones are learning such big concepts.

  2. I love that you are using the guiding principles in your classroom! I think it is a brilliant idea! I work with a teacher who uses a more complex set with her fourth graders, but the result is really a respectful, safe community. It's amazing!

  3. what a great set of guiding principles for the classroom. Perfect for the age group. They can understand these concepts and I'm sure feel good about themselves when doing them. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for sharing the language being used in class so we can use these at home too!
