Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Science in Sensory Table

Today in Levana, the sensory table was filled with water and ice cubes. There was also a container placed in the water, which had ice cubes inside. The children put the ice into the water, and discovered that the ice floats in water. They also discovered that the container floated one the ice had been emptied from it. The table also had plastic penguins, seals, polar bears and whales.
The children dropped the animals and ice cubes into the water and guessed whether they would sink or float. Samantha had a plastic whale in her hand "Look, it's floating!" she said while pretending to be the voice of the whale "I want some warmer water" A teacher then asked "what do you think is making the water so cold?" Lindsey instantly replied saying "The ice!" The question "where do you think all the ice is going?" was asked? and Hayley exclaimed "it's melting!" The sensory table is a wonderful place for the children to learn new things, and they always have a great time while doing so.

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