Monday, April 22, 2013

"He's Kind of Like a Magician!"

On this beautiful day back after spring break, the Haifa class was so lucky to have a surprise visitor: Grampy Ellerin came to class to do some magic!!! Grampy spends most of his days as a dermatologist named Dr. Phil, but likes to do some magic to wow people as well. He brought in a toolbox filled with a mix of magic and medical supplies. The children all took turns listening to their heart, seeing how our pupils change sizes, and trying to figure out how Grampy was able to do all of his magic tricks. The flowers out of the hat, changing animals, and card tricks had the children entranced! How lucky we were to spend this day after break with such an entertaining man!

-Alison and Sauci
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1 comment:

  1. Ben G is STILL talking about this. He loved Grampy Ellerin's visit, magic and medical supply show and tell.
