Friday, November 12, 2010

Warm and Sunny

Alana was all smiles as she viewed the playground from her perch. After several wet and gloomy days, the Sunshines took advantage of Friday's bright sun and played with vigor in all areas. We notice that many of the children are trying new things during outdoor time; some who earlier preferred to dig in the relative quiet of the sandbox are now swinging on the swings and riding cars. Many Sunshines love to climb, with a teacher as a "spotter." Digging and raking are popular since the trees have dropped a thick layer of leaves, and the horses and slides have a steady stream of riders. There is much conversation among the children outside. They develop scenarios for play, negotiate taking turns, and comment on the changing weather. They have also become acquainted with the Unicorns and the Scientists with whom we sometimes share this outdoor classroom. Here's hoping for many more days just like today!
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