Friday, November 12, 2010

teepee making

We are learning all about Native Americans in the Scientist class room. Some of our discussions have been about how the Native Americans lived without electricity, how they got their food and where they slept. We have been getting a lot of our information from the books that we are reading in class. We just finished reading our very first chapter book, "Buffalo Before Breakfast." Hopefully your child has come home and told you all about this story of a brother and sister and the adventure that they went on . We will continue to read more of these Magic Treehouse stories throughout the year, as the children were very enthusiastic and cooperative while listening to the story.

Today, we asked Rachel to come into our class room and help us build a real teepee. Rachel is our resident expert in surving in Nature, so she was the perfect person to help us figure out how we could build a teepee. We already had several sticks of many different lengths and we took some twine and with a lot of cooperation we constructed the frame of a teepee. We will be continuing with this project next week so please stay tuned to our blog for further updates. Have a great weekend!
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  1. Looks like it was fun and a very interesting experience to build a living space with sticks.
    Wish I was there to help!

  2. looks like Rachel has some expert helpers to assist making the teepee!
