Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Shabbat Shalom Shuk

Today the Haifa All Stars visited our Shabbat Shalom Shuk. Before we went to the market, the class talked about the money called shekels which is used to buy things in Israel. The children were shown various denominations of Israeli currency. It was then explained to the class that we would be using pretend money to buy snack items at the shuk. Each child was then given a bag with seven round shekels in it. It was an individual decision as to what each of them wanted to purchase with his/her money.
There was a sign up with words and drawing for the children to see what each item cost:
Challah was 1 shekel, a box of raisins was 2 shekels, 2 tea cookies cost 1 shekel, a glass of juice was 2 shekels and water was free.
The children were then asked to come up in small groups and make their purchase. They were very patient waiting in line to make their choices. They loved this activity and came up to make additional purchases if they had shekels left from their initial purchase.
Math skills as well as socialization skills were needed to make choices at our shuk. Shabbat Shalom to all from Jerusalem! On Monday, we will begin to travel south on our Israeli adventure. Stay tune for more updates from our trip.
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