Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shabbat at the Koplan family

The Koplan family LOVES THE Shabbat box!
Here is what each family member says:

Daddy: “I was so thrilled to invite some new people into our family. These exchange students, Dubi and Duba, were so nice to have. They were quiet, polite, didn’t eat very much food and went right to bed at bedtime”.
Mommy:  “I loved that we spent so much time together as a family. Every part of the box was especially fun- but my favorite was the game we played together, listening to the CD. Just great time- full of fun and traditions to be!"
Lily: “I loved all the time we spent, reading the books, listening to the CD and snuggling with Dubi and Duba.”
Drew: "I loved to sleep with Dubi and Duba all night and it was fun to put money in the Tzedahak box for boys and girls that need the money."
Drew loved sleeping with Dubi and Duba.  We all loved having the Shabbat box for the weekend.  Drew set the table, we said the prayers, listen to the CD and played the Shabbat game.  Mommy, Daddy, big sister Lily and Drew all played the game together and everyone won at least once-except for Mommy (she wasn’t very good at remembering).

Thank you Drew and family for sharing your Shabbat experience with us.


  1. Everyone loves the Shabbat box! :) Hope Dubi and Duba's sweaters are holding up! :)

  2. Michele... pls tell "Bubbe", aka as mom, that the sweaters are still beautiful (: !!! Dubi and Dubba are just beginning their adventures with the current Unicorn Class.
