Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Working together

Our Scientists truly enjoy the company of one another. With a whole bunch of new manipulative toys to investigate, our friends decided to dive in together.

Above, our friends are building with our new Legos, a donation from Judi. Many of these new creations will end up in our new "Building Creations" book that we are making. In this new book, the Scientists are drawing the structures that they are making, so that long after they have been taken apart we still have the ability to enjoy them.

Here Jeffrey and Lucas are working to put together a three-dimensional puzzle. This puzzle is made up of streets and cars. Almost every piece has at least one half of a car, and to put the puzzle together, the cars have to be completed! There is no correct way to put this puzzle together, so these cars can end up having two fronts, two ends, or being two-toned. But the important thing is the communication that our friends were using with one another to put this together.

Jayden and Becca are enjoying a tried and true favorite, playdoh! Using different cookie cutters, rolling pins, and hammers, they made some wild stuff!

Puzzles can always be found in the room, but sometimes the key is to get them out as an option! Here our boys are working with one another to put together one of our small but tough puzzles!

-Alison Simpson


  1. Check out those Scientists hard at work! Working together is one of those crucial skills they will need as they get older!! And they are having fun too!

  2. Thanks Judi for the Legos. Alison was wondering how the class was going to get new Legos! Looks like it was a busy day.
