Tuesday, March 1, 2011

9 Purim Facts

  1. Persia is modern-day Iran.  
  2. In Deuteronomy 25:19, we are commanded: “You shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; you shall never forget.” Amalek is the historic enemy of the Jews, and Haman is a descendant of Amalek.
  3. As we listen to the reading of the M’gillah, whenever Haman’s name is mentioned we blot it out with graggers, foot stamping and shouting.
  4. Haman’s name is mentioned 54 times in the M’gillah— that’s a lot of foot stamping, booing, hissing and gragger twirling!
  5. Haman had 10 sons; when their names are read from the M’gillah, it is a tradition to read them quickly without taking a breath.
  6. The longest verse in the Bible is found in one verse of the book of Esther. (8:9) It has 43 words in Hebrew and 90 words in English.
  7. All the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are found in one verse in Esther. (3:13)
  8. There is a street in Tel Aviv called “Queen Esther Street.”
  9. The Jewish women’s organization “Hadassah” was founded on Purim. Hadassah was Esther’s Hebrew name.

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