Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mom hard at work

The Scientist class has had many parent volunteers this week come into our classroom. The teachers and children really appreciate the parents taking time out of their busy mornings to help us with reading, baking, singing and whatever else that they would like to do.

Noah's mom, Mara, and Jonathan's mom, Amy came in to our class today to help us fill our Shalach Manot baskets for the elderly and for our Scientist families. The children were very generous filling up the baskets, especially for their friends. As you can imagine they are very excited to share their Shalach Manot goodies with their families, so enjoy and Hag Sameach!

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1 comment:

  1. What a fun morning! The kids were so excited filling the baskets. I am so glad I could be a part of this!
