Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Communal Artwork

It is so fantastic to see our Levana group working together so wonderfully! Today we were eager to visit the art table, exhibiting some impressive fine motor skills. We are working on a giant apple to hang on our wall to celebrate a sweet new year!

Adam worked so hard, he had to "take a nap!"

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  1. We always think of two year olds being at the parallel play stage. It's great to see some of the ways you are encouraging them to work collaboratively. Amazing how a simple project can be so engaging when you are doing it with peers.

  2. What a great activity for the children to work together! Eliana LOVES art projects. It is so nice to see photo's from her day and be use the pictures and blurbs to have a conversation with her about what she did at school. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. We love reading the blog each day!
