Today the Tel Aviv class had a special visitor: Rabbi Todd! Together, we talked about how Rosh Hashanah is a holiday that celebrates the birthday of the world. This analogy was a fantastic way to make what can be an abstract holiday relatable to our Tel Aviv children. On our birthdays we eat special food and sing special songs and sometimes we even blow noisemakers. On Rosh Hashannah we eat special food, sing special songs and blow the shofar! Each child had the opportunity to touch the shofar and feel the smooth and the bumpy parts. We all practiced blowing the shofar so that we will be all ready next time Ellen visits our class. It was wonderful to see every child so actively engaged and it was a treat to have Rabbi Todd visit our Tel Aviv class. Thanks so much Rabbi Todd!
Rabbi Todd looks like he was stuggling to blow a note on the first picture!!! Hope the noise was appreciated by all!