Friday, September 23, 2011

Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?

We are learning a new chant at circle time.  The children have to remember the response lines and take a turn reciting them and passing the chant along to the child next to them.  This can be difficult to learn and remember for a four year old.  Here's our start.  Stay tuned for our progress.
Group: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Child 1:  (name of a child in the circle
Group:  (Name) stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Child 2: Who, me?
Group: Yes, you!
Child 2: Couldn't be!
Group: Then who?


  1. OK-is it possible to have a favorite post ever?? This is my favorite post ever!!!!!!! Those Haifas are CUTE!!!!

  2. We played this with every stuffed animal in our home. So FUN

  3. What a fun way to learn evryone's name in your class! This deserves an Emmy!
    Alana's Grammie
