Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Our first Havdalah celebration was filled with blessings and sweetness. We met as a community of all the classes to wish everyone a good week. Teddy Friedman passed around the spices to every boy and girl to take in the smell of those sweet spices. As is part of our daily routine, we welcome one another, by greeting the boy or girl next to us.
We can say hello, shavua tov, boker tov, hi. As we prepare for Rosh Hashana we passed the Shofar to gather in rejoice in the welcoming of the New Year. We had some pictures of the animals that the Shofar came from which brought about some inquiries..

1) How did we get the horn off?
2) Did it just fall off? If it fell off was the animal old?
3) Was the animal dead or alive when it came off?

To which we heard that if it were alive, it would hurt, so it HAD to just fall off.

Consistent with our philosophy to teach life lessons of kindness towards all G-d's creations, it was nice to hear their response of empathy towards the ram.

We will be offering opportunity to send L'Shana Tova cards to family or friends as well to extend our kindness towards all.

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  1. Such great questions asked about where the shofar came from! What good thinking you are all encouraging!

  2. Interesting questions. How will you find out the answers?

  3. Maria Gonzalez GriffithSeptember 21, 2011 at 6:58 PM

    Google of course..!! It would be nice to show the children who they can use the computer to access information about their inquiries versus just games etc.

    I learned something myself.. Because Ram’s horns are made of cartilage it does NOT hurt the Ram to remove them and they grow back just like fingernails. Because of this the farmers often saw off and discard ram’s horn. Never too old to keep learning...
