Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Mia

Mia's daddy, Rabbi Todd, came in to read a book to the Kohavim class. It was a book similar to the story of the Three little Pigs, but told from a different perspective.
Birthdays usually involve some sort of "gift" to the birthday friend. In the Kohavim class, we would like to encourage children to think of "gifts" in terms of both the gift of words of 'good wishes and kindness' and the gift of 'time'. To this end children created some beautiful cards thinking of activities they like to do with Mia, or a special event or thing they enjoyed about Mia. In addition, we offered the opportunity to use their creative skills to 'make something' for Mia as their special gift to her. As one can see they concentrated, using their time in class, to create their gift. After so much time and effort in making their bracelet or necklace for Mia, it was refreshing that they were happy to give it away!!!
Happy School Birthday Mia!!! Mia's actual birthday was September 6th.

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1 comment:

  1. I was lucky enough to be in the classroom during the bracelet making. Those kids were SO focused on stringing the beads, it was quite remarkable. I'm not sure whether it was because they were enjoying it, were challenged by it, or because they had such an important purpose in needing them to give to Mia. In any case, it was a pleasure to observe their intense focus and concentration skills in action.
