Monday, April 30, 2012

Bringing our own spices to Havdallah

 The Kohavim children have been enjoying smelling a wide range of spices as they have grounded spices with a mortar and pestle many times over the past few weeks. The smell in the room has been incredible, and we all have appreciated the time that Ellen has spent with us. After several times of grinding the spices by hand, the children recently filled their own spice bottles which they brought to the Havdallah service today. They seemed much more engaged in the service as a result of their "spice work". Today they found a buddy with whom to share their spice collection. We will continue to work with Ellen to make the Havdallah experience as meaningful to us all as we can.
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1 comment:

  1. It's been such a pleasure to watch them at work, diligently crafting just the right blend of spices. Some have been very excited to take the spice boxes home to use for family havdalah and I hope they will!
