Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Helping the adult B'nai Mitzvah students plant

 Thank you Ellen for the opportunity to do some planting of sunflower seeds today. We had a number of very enthusiastic planters, with Teddy Friedman leading the group. He would have planted all morning if possible. Our plantings will be in the window sill in the lobby of the Center until they are planted outside at the end of May. Hopefully we shall see much growth between now and then. Stop by and take a look.

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  1. These kids love getting involved in so many different kinds of activities- building, drawing, games, nature, planting, running. They are so passionate about everything.

    Does Teddy Friedman have a mohawk! I love it!

  2. Teddy loved the planting. He gets his green thumb from his nana! If the plants grow as quickly as his hair we should have a harvest in no time!
