Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is an Artist?

That is the question that was posed to the Haifa children today at circle. Here are some of the responses that we got:

-People that paint stuff-Lily
-People who make pottery-Sadie
-People that paint really good pictures-Drew
-They make stuff out of clay and glass-Aviva
-They make really good stuff with painting and crayons-Jake
-They make the best things in the whole wide world-Jacob
-They use markers and special paper-Avram
-They make tables and chairs and cover them with paint and fabric-Alli
-Sage wants to be an artist when she grows up-Rylan
-My Zaydie makes pens and stuff in his woodshop-Sadie

We were very happy with the answers that our students came up with! We are going to be spending the next few weeks studying different artists and doing work in their style!

-Alison and Sauci


  1. Sounds like the wisdom of some serious art buffs! They will have so much fun exploring this! Today Sara wanted to bring a colorful book to school in the spirit of the latest lesson- a much easier morning battle than last month when she insisted she absolutely needed to bring our hammer and electirc screwdriver in her backpack for the tool discussion at circle time.

  2. It takes one to know one! Thank you for all the inspiration you give our children so that they become such amazing and inspired artists.
