Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The powers that be

The Kohavim kids look forward to sharing what they have worked on during the morning. We are helping them to think further about what specifically they learned, and what do they want to communicate most when they are presenting. This is an ongoing process that will continue to be refined over the remaining weeks of school. Today Sam created something that "gives all the powers it can think of." The power starts from the little crack on the bottom and comes out through the top. Matt made "an alien that transforms in to a dog with a rhino horn." Jesse's creation has a powerful source at the bottom with a blue crystal in it. Teddy Post shared a picture that he made. "If you
touch this part of it you will get a
sunburn. This part is the fire. Building on the theme of the crystal from Jesse's creation, Teddy said that in his picture "you can see someone walking, they found a crystal, took it home, shook it, and it turned in to a gorilla. There are also flowers that freeze in to ice flowers."
Mia made a bracelet with "beads that all have different powers. The heart is so you can get all the toys you want. This bead is for friendship power. This one is for stop crying power. This one is for fire power. The green one helps bushes and trees to grow. The yellow bead makes the sun appear. The two white ones are so that you can get whatever you want."
I apologize for not having the pictures of Jesse and Mia sharing. There must have been either a camera malfunction or a teacher malfunction!

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  1. These kids love their super powers! I love their creativity! And how you guys give them unending opportunities to express their creativity.

  2. Such creativity!! I love hearing what these kids come up with. . .

  3. Michele

    Please ask MIA if I can borrow that bead bracelet.


    1. Of course I'll ask her...but you'll notice that the bracelet does not have a bead that gives you sharing power so you may be out of luck! Plus, the stop crying power one seems to be faulty! We might have to take it into the jeweler to get it looked at.
