Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taking care of our World

 On Monday we introduced using real glasses. We think it is another way we can take care of our world by reducing waste. Our new system is to get the glass from the orange container. After we finish our snack we then put the glasses in the blue basket to be washed in the dishwasher.   I mentioned I selected a 'blue' basket color to help us remember that glasses need to be washed with water to keep clean. Nathaniel thought the orange one for clean was a good idea because the sun is hot and hot water is used to make the dishes clean. Such good thinking!!!  After this discussion, Rohan followed up with labeling the baskets: Clean and Dirty and some friends helped to secure the signs to the baskets. Thanks to all the helping hands!!!
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1 comment:

  1. What a great idea- and it must make the kids feel so responsible- for the earth and for not breaking the glasses!
