Wednesday, April 11, 2012

V'acalta V'savata is to eat and be satisfied

For a Passover treat at school today, Ellen made us matza pancakes. They were light as crepes and round as silver dollars. And they were so very delicious when we added the syrup. Everyone enjoyed making the batter and especially loved eating the tasty pancakes.

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  1. I love to see them working together and I want the recipe!!!!

    1. Ask Adam about his egg cracking experience! That boy can really break an egg!

  2. Ellen's Passover Pancakes (a great recipe for kids to help with)
    1/2 c matzah meal (or matzah cake meal)
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 tsp sugar
    3 eggs
    3/4 c cold water
    Mix matzah meal, salt, sugar together in a bowl. Add eggs, water, and mix well. Heat oil in frying pan and cook pancakes.
    For extra light pancakes, separate the eggs. Beat yolks and add water. Add matzah meal mixture to yolks. Let stand for one hour. Beat egg white until stiff, then add to batter. Fry as usual. Serves 3-4
