Thursday, March 29, 2012

Afikoman Bags

The Rainbows worked hard today to decorate Afikoman (the piece of Matzah that is hidden at the beginning of the Seder) bags to use during the Seder on Passover. The materials consisted of felt, glue, and very tiny colored sequins and jewels. There were some challenges with this activity: 1) Figuring out that a lot of glue, much more than normal, was needed to make the pieces stick, and 2) Determining how to pick up the pieces, especially when they fell on the floor or the table. Since this activity was not an easy task, several of the children started their project when they first arrived, took a break, and then came back to finish later on in the morning. Part two of this activity will involve sewing a second piece of felt onto the decorated piece to make the bag. Will it be sewn on by hand or machine? Stay tuned to find out!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! We love reading the blog and getting it in my email is even better since I often forget to look.
