Thursday, March 15, 2012

Teacher Learning!

Ellen invited Kris Scopinich from Drumlin Farm to our learning meeting last Monday. One of the many goals for the meeting was to improve the quality of outdoor education for the TBSCC. Kris explained that early learning standards are equally applicable to indoor and outdoor learning environments. However, most of the guidance provided for teachers about how to use them has focused on the indoors.

Kris gave us many ideas and took our learning session outside. Kris shared her plans/blueprint with us, to encourage outdoor learning both on the playground and in the wooded area beyond the TBS parking lot.

Ellen gave the entire staff a gift...A great book Lens on Outdoor Learning. Kris absolutely loves the book and uses it herself.

Today some of the Tel Aviv took the opportunity to make their "focusors". We cut out a whole in the middle of a paper plate and decorated it. The "focusors" are a tool to support outdoor learning experiences. When the children find something from nature they are curious about, they can place their "focusor" on it and take a closer look (an insect,rock, leaf). So simple, "Why didn't I think of that myself?" Thanks Kris! .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful learning/professional
    Development program!
