Sunday, March 11, 2012

Finding something fun to do!

When Jacob arrived Eli went over to the gate to greet him and asked him if he wanted to play.  Ten minutes went by and and I noticed Eli, Jacob, Ezra and Max were sitting on the picnic table.   They told me they were on their ship.  Eli stood up on the table and asked if he could jump off.  He noticed there was new mulch on the ground and said, "It's ok to jump the ground is soft because there is new mulch."  I told all the boys," It's ok to jump because I am here watching and spotting you."   If you want to jump off the picnic table you must ask a teacher!"   Eli said "So you make sure we stay safe."   I said, "That is right!"   So they had a "ball" jumping off the table onto the new soft mulch.  Sometimes the held my hand when they jumped and sometimes they took a risk and jumped with no support at all!  Each and every time they jumped the landed in their two feet. 
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1 comment:

  1. Wait until you see what happens to that space over the next few weeks... the new mulch was just the beginning!
