By role playing with each other Sasha and I tried to teach the children about slavery and how it felt to be a slave. Slaves had no choices, were told what to do and when to do it! They worked all day and all night! The slaves had to build large cities for the mean Pharaoh!
When we think of Egypt we think pyramids and so if you were a Jewish slave one might think you had to build pyramids for the mean Pharaoh! So we decided to work together and build a pyramid out of paper bricks. Over the course of the next few weeks the children will trace, cut and design their own bricks for our pyramid. We are off to a good start!
I always love to read about what you are doing in the Tel Aviv class! Such creativity and really going with the children's interests. You both meet them where they are and then stretch and scaffold them to broaden and deepen their experiences. I may not always comment but know that I am reading, enjoying, learning, and kvelling!