Thursday, April 5, 2012

Celebrating Passover together

The Kohavim and Haifa classes had a great time at our joint seder today. We shared matzah sandwiches, charoset, oranges, carrots, and grape juice. Each child has his/her own Hagaddah which showed the "order" of our seder. There was also a seder plate with all the traditional items on each table. The teachers took turns going through the Hagaddah, asking questions, talking about the significance of the items on the seder plate, and leading the children in song. Sauci also read a Passover book at the end of our celebration. Thank you to the Haifa children and teachers for welcoming us in to your classroom. Our effective team work resulted in a fun and educational experience for us all.
Chag Sameach everyone!

1 comment:

  1. They have come so far in their years at the CC. I am amazed at how much Mia knows about the Passover story- she was extremely excited about all things Pesach relate this year. Thanks for lighting that spark all the time!
