Monday, April 9, 2012

Matzoh Brei

As we observe Passover, the Levana children love to talk about the different foods that we eat during this time. They know the story of the hurried departure from Egypt, and that we eat matzah to remember this. Today we tried matzah in a new way, crushing it, soaking in water, mixing in eggs, and frying it in an electric skillet. While the children enjoyed the process, no one was interested in eating this new dish! Instead, we snacked on fresh oranges and matzah, plain and with jelly. We're sure to try other new ways of enjoying matzah this week.
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  1. Good muscle building too! What a fun activity- how funny that not one of them wanted to try it!

  2. Glad they enjoyed making it. That's too bad they didn't want to try it. It would be interesting to ask later this week if any of the kids try it at home.
