Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our New Play Doh Game

We opened a new game that you use with play dough. Before we could play it, we had to assemble it. It took us awhile to figure out how to put the game together. Besides the pieces, the game comes with four little cans of Play Doh to use. Once we had all the parts ready, we went over how you play the game. It took a while to figure that out too! We thought we had it all worked out so we started to play. It was a long game, but we were all very patient. We realized that we had not played the game in the right direction and had not used the recycle spot as we were supposed to. The next time we play, we will have a better understanding of how this game should go. We all loved learning to play this game!
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1 comment:

  1. Learning by doing is the best way to learn! And it's great for kids to make "mistakes" with a grownup to see that it's actually one of the best ways to learn, not a bad thing! That looks like a very cool game!
