Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Seder Day

What a day of celebrating for the Haifa All Stars. Rabbi Todd came in to share his Lego Passover Story. The children sat in and listened intently as he narrated the story using his Lego story book. The children knew the story as it proceeded and asked Rabbi Todd some very interesting questions. They noticed the details in all the lego created parts of the story and picked out the differences which they noticed in each figure.

Shortly after our time with Rabbi Todd, we went to our seder with the Tel Aviv All Stars and the Scientists in Simon Hall. We took part in a play and sang lots of songs together. Then we went to our seder table and enjoyed a short service there before taking part in our meal. As a couple of Haifa children put it, "It was and awesome day!"

1 comment:

  1. What a week for celebrations!

    I was greeted with lots of requests for the lego Passover story. It's coming in tomorrow's email.
