Learning to negotiate, share space, and be welcoming to one another are skills and values that are learned. Negotiating a shared building vision, welcoming a classmate into a play scenario, and extending kindness, providing a helping hand, taking care of our world, each other, and ourselves are values we are developing as children play. We hear and see a "mitzvah' kindness extended, we identify the action, making them aware that their actions, or words, are behaviors that are "friendly, kind, or helpful." Oliver, Sam, and Joshua were negotiating the 'design' of their buildings. We heard "Can I build next to you. Can I be your neighbor?" Matty came over and asked if he could build with them. Then the play became a shared home, the addresses were put on top. They were welcoming and worked together towards a shared vision. We are filling each other's buckets with kindness.
It's amazing how much even our oldest children at the TBSCC still need to learn about getting along with other peers. They are learning so many of the crucial skills now that they will need as they get older. It's amazing to see you putting into practice everything you are learning through your professional development! Thank you.