Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's Growing Here?

It started with a strange wire frame, wrapped in tape and then stuffed with newspapers. Then the children wrapped and taped another layer, this one made from a roll of mural paper. Next came the cutting and tearing of many, many strips of brown paper. Now we are busy applying glue with paintbrushes and covering this with layers of brown. This work-in-progress allows lots of time for all of the children to engage with the process in their own way. It is truly a class effort that relies on the many fine motor skills that the children are developing. As Tu B' Shevat approaches, we are talking and singing about growing things, and our imaginations soar as we work together to bring nature indoors for this special celebration.

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  1. how creative and fun! I had to laugh when I read this because every school day we spray all the paint etc on Eliana clothes bf they go in the wash. Today she came home telling me I didn't have to spray the paint on her clothes because she only painted with glue. these posts always help me understand what she tells me!

  2. Whenever I walk by your classroom, I am always struck by how absorbed the children are when working on this project. What a creative idea!
