Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Playground Chronicles

Take a look at all the outdoor activities the Yarok group has been doing over the last week.

 Digging in the sandbox with Katie.

 Climbing structure part I

 Climbing structure part II

 Car wash!

 Singing with Liz.

Making ice cream!

Making New Friends

One of the best things about camp is spending more time with friends and teachers we have seen all year but may not have had in our classroom! By the end of one week it feels as if we've been together as a class all year! Celebrating Shabbat together helps bring us all together in joyful prayer and song!

Adom treasure hunt

The Adom boys celebrated Our week together by having a treasure hunt, map and all! We explored our map for treasure markings, got our buckets, and set out to collect our squirmy treasures (spiders and snakes.)

Look at me!

Our First Shabbat Together!

We made our own challah! Kneading and rolling the dough was one the best parts of the day!
Hannah said, "The dough is sticky and gooey "! Kayla said, "This is roll- poly!" Grace said, "This is sticky and cold.". After lunch the girls decorated a brown paper bag to place their challah in!

We said the blessings and enjoyed a little challah and juice with Jesse, Maria and Laura's class, and at the end of the day we went to the the Sanctuary to sing with Emily and the entire TBSCC!
It was so much fun celebrating Shabbat together!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Entrepreneurs in the making ..

Brett and Noah wanted to make a game. They worked together to work on the design. Brett was eager to show his game. After some discussion Noah said that it was not done because they needed to make some rules. The game needed a name ( Hot Lava End) , some rules (only 2 people could play), and a decision needed to be made about how would one win. It was decided that one wins if they get past the hot lava. As the discussion continued they decided they needed dice. They found some foam and a di and proceeded to make their di. 

One game two people. What to do. Noah decided to make his own game and design his di. 
I am thinking these two maybe future designers for a major company. Nice team work, design, and game plan. 

Cheers, It's Shabbat

It was a small group on Friday. Molly, Drew, Noah, Eliza, and
Brett decided to celebrate with a big CHEERS as they
snacked with 2 crackers and water. 

We celebrate in community with laughter, joy, and blessings.

We realized later that today was the last day these children will be together in a classroom at TBSCC. What a gift we have been given to share in this day with them. 

I Spy... A Puzzle

This week in Yarok Bet, we worked on a I Spy floor puzzle. Hayley, Sydney, Harold, Lily and Ellen used the colored edge to build the boarder of the puzzle before filling in the middle pieces. They had fun taking turns with the pieces and helping each other orient the pieces to fit. Each time they completed the puzzle, they smiled with their accomplishment.

Time for a Picnic

This week, Noah and Lily used a piece of fabric as a picnic blanket. They moved all of the pretend fruits and vegetables to the blanket and enjoyed a yummy picnic together! Providing open ended materials, such as pieces of fabric, inspires limitless imaginative play.

Just in Time for a Popsicle

Just as the teachers stared passing out popsicles on Friday, Olive cam strutting into the playground with her walking boot. She sat right down next to her sister Audrey and they enjoyed a grape juice popsicle with the other children. What a treat to see Olive and have some time to catch up with her over a nice, cold popsicle!

Food Challenge

We had a food challenge in Adom on Thursday:  What can you build with 10 green grapes and 10 blueberries? Inspired by the delicious fresh fruit and the toothpicks, the children took on the building challenge. Before they could build, they had to count out their fruit. Using one to one correspondence, the children counted out 10 grapes and 10 blueberries. As they built, the children nibbled on the blueberries and grapes. Playing with the fruit provided a sensory experience and encouraged the children to try new foods. After the constructed, the children gobbled up the fruit! What a delicious building activity!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Playing with Friends

Before lunch and Shabbat, we got to play in the community room. There were mats, obstacle courses, building blocks, and other activities to choose from. Isabella and Ally enjoyed the cardboard bricks, but they especially loved playing with each other and having fun with a friend. 

Watercolor Discoveries!

Today in Yarok Bet we decided to experiment with water colors. Graham discovered that if you put paint on the paper and put another piece over it, the paint soaked through and made cool shapes. Soon Hayley and Abby joined and were mixing many different colors. We made a mess but had lots of fun!

Shabbat is Here

"Who wants to make challah?" I asked this morning.
"I do! I do!" came the response from the children. 
First you light the candles. Sophie G lights the Sabbath lights and the girls join her in  gathering the light, covering their eyes and saying the blessing.
Then we bless the wine.
Then we bless the challah. The girls placed their hands on the challah and sang the blessing.
How beautiful!

Outdoor Classroom with Yarok

Outside we have been working hard on our pumping skills and have been busy in the sandbox. Making sand castles and homes for bugs we may find is something that the kids enjoy. We have also opened up a store to sell ice cream! The kids work together to make the ice cream and then spread the word to the others that they should come and have a taste! They have any flavor you can imagine.