Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Amelia Bedilia Humor

For the past couple of weeks we have been entertained by Amelia Bedelia book humor. After going to the library and getting every Amelia Bedelia books they had, Alison asked for a specific one and described the cover. She looked at all the books and no it wasn't there. So she was kind enough to bring it in to share today.
Imagine our surprise when we DID in fact have the book all along, but the cover was different. As we explored both books we discovered that the cover of the paperback book was the same as the hard cover first page. Then we proceeded to look at the pages and noticed YES it was in fact the same book. When asked why the thought it was a different cover on the hard cover, one friend responded that maybe it was a different illustrator. Definitely a logical conclusion.
Thank you Alison for sharing your book with us.

Just FYI .. My children loved these books when they were younger. They are a great way to explore language ~ here are a few examples...

Amelia Bedelia is always misunderstanding what she is supposed to do.. Ask your children what Amelia does in the following examples, and what she was really supposed to do??

for example:

1) trim the fat from the steak, and dress the chicken
2) dust the furniture
3) draw the drapes
4) put the lights out
5) measure 2 cups of rice


1 comment:

  1. That is very interesting! What a good lesson for the kids to learn. The "dress the chicken" page gets them laughing every time.
