Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cleaning the Classroom for Passover!

At circle time we discussed with the children that when the Israelites rushed out of Egypt, they had no time to let their bread dough rise before baking it. Instead it baked right away in the hot desert sun. It became the flat crackers we call matzah. That's why during the week of Passover we do not eat any hamets~foods that need to rise, such as yeast breads and other baked goods. So before Passover we empty our cupboards of bread, cereal, crackers, cookies, pasta and pretzels.

We invited the children to help us get our classroom ready for Passover by removing the hamets, cleaning the shelfs, the stove, the dishes and refigerator. They were happy to grab a sponge and clean the classroom with their friends and teachers!

1 comment:

  1. Mia decided today that we should start cleaning for Pesach. She thought it would be a good idea to get rid of the bagels. I pointed out that it would be a long two weeks if we get rid of all of our Chametz now. She agreed so we'll wait until vacation starts and then we'll clean everything out!
