Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creating Habitats for Hibernation!

Yesterday on our walk the Tel Aviv class read the book, “Time to Sleep” and we talked about how different animals stay warm throughout the winter months. We then built a structure in the woods to create a habitat for an animal that might need a place to hibernate in Needham. The children loved finding big sticks and trying to figure out how to make them balance. The class worked on communicating where they were walking while they were holding the sticks so that the sticks wouldn’t hurt their friends. Soon we created a neat dwelling place for an animal or for a Tel Aviv friend! Each child took a turn sitting in our structure. They were all so proud of what they built.

Today we played inside and were still able to create structures for different kinds of animals. Using the wooden blocks and plastic animals children were able to make places so that our animal friends can stay safe and warm in winter. Although this task was done on a smaller scale, children had to figure out how to make blocks of all different sizes balance, which was no easy task. We will continue to talk about how we and different animals stay warm we are prepared for when winter finally comes.

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