Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The Rainbow class started the day by showing the handprints that they made last week to their mothers and fathers. Each child also described something that they were thankful for and we wrote it at the bottom of their prints. We hope that all of the Rainbows and their families have a wonderful Thanksgiving together.
We also worked as a team to prepare the casserole for Rosie's Place. Some children who didn't choose to participate in the cooking project last month were more interested today. We had some explaining to do. Rosie's Place is not associated with our classmate Rose Koritz. The kids asked some more questions regarding the people who spend time at Rosie's Place and why they needed help with food again. Everyone was pleased to be able to share what we have so the hungry people could have a good hot meal.

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  1. Ha! Love the story of how you had to explain the Rosie's Place has nothing to do with Rose.

  2. Such a nice way to start off the thanksgiving holiday. Looks like there are some budding chefs in that room!!
