Sunday, November 20, 2011

Processing the arrival of the fire trucks

Today was not an ordinary Shabbat as the fire alarm went off and we all had to vacate the building. Fortunately the Kohavim children rose to the occasion, and our exit went at least as smoothly as all our previous fire drills. The children had many questions and comments about the experience, so we encouraged them to express themselves at the art center. Josh was very proud of the pictures he made and asked if I would put them on the blog. Obliging teacher that I am, here they are! Children can express themselves in so many different ways, and as teachers we need to always be thinking about the role of the arts in enhancing this expression of thoughts and feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Mia has also been drawing some fire in her artwork. She seems not at all afraid of it. In fact, she has pretty matter-of-fact about the whole situation. You must have all handled it very calmly and smoothly for her not to be fazed (phased?) by the experience.
