Monday, November 28, 2011

Curious Minds need to Know !!!

tToday we received a NEW box of building straws and jacks. The first thing they noticed was the picture on the front of the box, and asked if they could build it? We will be making another 'blueprint' and plan it out for tomorrow.

 As we opened the box, there was something different looking than how we have typically seen the 'jacks': they were all connected. Could we build with them all connected? If not, what could we do? Joshua helped to separate the jacks for future building. As he was disconnecting them, he asked, how are the straws and jacks made? How could we find an answer to this question? Who could we ask? We looked for a name on the box of the company that manufactured this item, and learned that it was Rayclo, Inc, in South Carolina. I asked Joshua if he would like to write the President of the company? Providing children with meaningful writing experiences gets them excited about the process of writing, increases their self confidence that their ideas and questions are valued and important. We will be sending Joshua's letter out tomorrow.

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  1. What an AMAZING story! How empowering that you encouraged the children to go to the source with their question. I can't wait to find out if he write back.

  2. It is such a curious group of children. I LOVE how you find ways for them to explore and learn more, rather than just asking questions and having it stop there. They are doing real life things with writing, reading, questioning, and finding out answers!

  3. I love that you allow the children to see an idea through. This is what makes TBSCC so special! Thanks for being such thoughtful and inspiring educators!!
