Monday, November 28, 2011

Yoga Time for Tel Aviv!

Last Wednesday the Tel Aviv class had some fun “yoga” time. We stretched our body and moved to songs we knew. We did some traditional yoga moves like “tree pose,” “child’s pose” and “downward dog.” Also we practiced some of the stretches that some of the students do in dance class. All the girls were excited to teach the boys the butterfly stretch and show me how flexible they were. Yoga helps students with balance, flexibility and understanding their body in space, plus it’s fun! Our yoga play was a great addition to our morning circle and we hope to practice again soon!


  1. Yoga is just fantastic! Mia has a great kids book of different animal poses. Let me know if you want to borrow it! She loves it!

  2. Eli keeps doing tree pose at home and tells us all to follow his direction. adorable.
