Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter inspiration

Mia loved looking outside at the snow covered shed and trees. "I'm making water, an ice rink, and snow. I also made the woman across the street." She wanted to capture the look of the water on the snow and asked to use some glue. Mixing the glue with the white paint gave her the desired texture and look. To complete the picture Mia used a green marker to draw the trees that were not covered by the snow. A true multi-media creation!
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  1. What an interesting combination of materials. How wonderful for her to be able to think of the best ones for what she was trying to represent and then actually try them out.

  2. She certainly has a vision and follows through to the best of her ability. I am always amazed at how she latches on to an idea and then follows through to achieve her vision. I truly believe this has been nurtured through her years at TBSCC, in particular this year. And I love how the easel is by the window- a great chance to bring nature into the classroom!
