Friday, February 10, 2012

One color per cup

This morning the sunshine children did some bead sorting...but it was difficult to figure out what the directions were. We decided on a color that we liked best and then each child filled their cup with that color. However, as the activity got started, each time a child put a bead in the cup, they changed their color.

It was fascinating to see that the directions that seemed quite obvious to me, really weren't clear and the children were frustrated with the task. I modeled again and again as Brett, Lizzie, Aleeza, Zachary, Ben and Noah Sussman watched me intently. They really wanted to get it right!

After 3 or 4 examples, I began to hear "ok, I'm doing blue." "I like orange." "Maybe I'll try red." As I peeked in their cups, each cup contained only one color. However, that wasn't the best part...when I looked up at their faces, I saw HUGE smiles. They weren't smiling because they were putting all blue beads in their cup. They were smiling because they achieved their goal - even though it was challenging at first. They were proud of themselves and it showed!!

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